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Прокуратура обязала соцфонд выплатить компенсацию инвалиду за покупку коляски

Кимовская межрайонная прокуратуры добилась от Фонда пенсионного и социального страхования компенсации за приобретение транспортного средства женщине, имеющей инвалидность

The main conceptual idea of the text is that the Prosecutor's Office in Tula successfully ensured that a woman with a disability receive compensation from the Pension Fund to purchase a wheelchair. The woman was entitled to this compensation due to an earlier court order obligating her former employer to provide her with a wheelchair every seven years. When the company went bankrupt, the responsibility fell to the Pension Fund, but they initially failed to fulfill their obligation. The Prosecutor's Office intervened, leading to a court ruling that ordered the Pension Fund to pay the woman the required compensation.

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7 часов назад Сестра создателя ChatGPT обвинила его в изнасиловании: фото Сэма Альтмана и Энн
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